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TypeScript and Ember.js Update, Part 2

Class properties—some notes on how things differ from the Ember.Object world.

January 24, 2018 (updated July 10, 2018)Filed under Tech#emberjs#typescript#typing-your-emberMarkdown source

You write Ember.js apps. You think TypeScript would be helpful in building a more robust app as it increases in size or has more people working on it. But you have questions about how to make it work.

This is the series for you! I’ll talk through everything: from the very basics of how to set up your Ember.js app to use TypeScript to how you can get the most out of TypeScript today—and I’ll be pretty clear about the current tradeoffs and limitations, too.

(See the rest of the series. →)

In the previous post in this series, I introduced the big picture of how the story around TypeScript and Ember.js has improved over the last several months. In this post, I’ll be pausing from TypeScript-specific to take a look at how things work with class properties, since they have some big implications for how we work, which then have ripple effects on computed properties, actions, etc.

Here’s the outline of this update sequence:

  1. Overview, normal Ember objects, component arguments, and injections.
  2. Class properties—some notes on how things differ from the Ember.Object world (this post).
  3. Computed properties, actions, mixins, and class methods.
  4. Using Ember Data, and service and controller injections improvements.
  5. Mixins and proxies; or: the really hard-to-type-check bits.

A detailed example (cont’d.) – class properties

Let’s start by recalling the example Component we’re working through:

import Component from '@ember/component';
import { computed, get } from '@ember/object';
import Computed from '@ember/object/computed';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import { assert } from '@ember/debug';
import { isNone } from '@ember/utils';

import Session from 'my-app/services/session';
import Person from 'my-app/models/person';

export default class AnExample extends Component {
  // -- Component arguments -- //
  model: Person;      // required
  modifier?: string;  // optional, thus the `?`

  // -- Injections -- //
  session: Computed<Session> = service();

  // -- Class properties -- //
  aString = 'this is fine';
  aCollection: string[] = [];

  // -- Computed properties -- //
  // TS correctly infers computed property types when the callback has a
  // return type annotation.
  fromModel = computed(
    function(this: AnExample): string {
      return `My name is ${get(this.model, 'firstName')};`;

  aComputed = computed('aString', function(this: AnExample): number {
    return this.lookAString.length;

  isLoggedIn = bool('session.user');
  savedUser: Computed<Person> = alias('session.user');

  actions = {
    addToCollection(this: AnExample, value: string) {
      const current = this.get('aCollection');
      this.set('aCollection', current.concat(value));

  constructor() {
    assert('`model` is required', !isNone(this.model));


  includeAhoy(this: AnExample) {
    if (!this.get('aCollection').includes('ahoy')) {
      this.set('aCollection', current.concat('ahoy'));

Throughout, you’ll note that we’re using assignment to create these class properties—a big change from the key/value setup in the old .extends({ ... }) model:

  // -- Class properties -- //
  aString = 'this is fine';
  aCollection: string[] = [];

Class properties like this are instance properties. These are compiled to, because they are equivalent to, assigning a property in the constructor. That is, these two ways of writing class property initialization are equivalent—

At the property definition site:

export default class AnExample extends Component {
  // snip...

  // -- Class properties -- //
  aString = 'this is fine';
  aCollection: string[] = [];

  // snip..

  constructor() {
    assert('`model` is required', !isNone(this.model));


  // snip...

In the constructor:

export default class AnExample extends Component {
  // snip...

  // -- Class properties -- //
  aString: string;
  aCollection: string[];

  constructor() {

    this.aString = 'this is fine';
    this.aCollection = [];

    assert('`model` is required', !isNone(this.model));


  // snip...

You can see why the first one is preferable: if you don’t need any input to the component to set the value, you can simply set the definition inline where the property is declared.

However, this is quite unlike using .extend, which installs the property on the prototype. Three very important differences from what you’re used to fall out of this, and none of them are specific to TypeScript.1

1. Default values

Since class property setup runs during the constructor, if you want the caller to be able to override it, you must give it an explicit fallback that references what’s passed into the function. Something like this:

class AnyClass {
  aDefaultProp = this.aDefaultProp || 0;

Again, translated back into the constructor form:

class AnyClass {
  constructor() {
    this.aDefaultProp = this.aDefaultProp || 0;

Here, you can see that if something has already set the aDefaultProp value (before the class constructor is called), we’ll use that value; otherwise, we’ll use the default. You can think of this as being something like default arguments to a function. In our codebase, we have started using _.defaultTo, which works quite nicely. In the old world of declaring props with their values in the .extends({ ... }) hash, we got this behavior “for free”—but without a lot of other benefits of classes, so not actually for free.

2. No more shared state

Because these are instance properties, not assigned on the prototype, you do not have to worry about the problem—well-known among experienced Ember.js developers, but prone to bite people new to the framework—where you assign an array or object in the .extend() method and then find that it’s shared between instances.

export default Component.extend({
  anArray: [],  // <- this *will* be shared between instances

We’ve long had to handle this by setting up those properties in our init() method instead, so that they are created during object instantiation, rather than on the prototype. This problem goes away entirely with classes, including in TypeScript.

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  anArray = [];  // <- this will *not* be shared between instances

(Note that here, we don’t have a type for the array, so it’s of type any[]; we always need type annotations for empty arrays if we want them to be a “narrower,” or more specific, type than that.)

3. Performance changes

The flip-side of this is that the only way we currently have to create computed property instances (until decorators stabilize) is also as instance, not prototype, properties. I’ll look at computed properties (and their types) in more detail in the next post, so here mostly just note how the computed is set up on the class: by assignment, not as a prototypal property.

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  aString = 'Hello, there!';

  itsLength = computed('aString', function(this: MyComponent): number {
    return this.aString.length;

This does have a performance cost, which will be negligible in the ordinary case but pretty nasty if you’re rendering hundreds to thousands of these items onto the page. You can use this workaround for these as well as for any other properties which need to be prototypal (more on that in the next post as well):2

export default class MyComponent extends Component.extend({
  itsLength: computed('aString', function(this: MyComponent): number {
      return this.aString.length;
}) {
  aString = 'Hello, there!';

This looks really weird, but it works exactly as you’d expect.

Class property variants

There are two times when things will look different from basic class properties. Both have to do with setting up the prototype to work the way other parts of the Ember object ecosystem expect.

Variant 1: Prototypal/merged properties

The first is when you’re using properties that need to be merged with properties in the prototype chain, e.g. attributeBindings or classNameBindings, or which (because of details of how components are constructed) have to be set on the prototype rather than as instance properties, e.g. tagClass.

For those, we can just leverage .extend in conjunction with classes:

import Component from '@ember/component';

export default class MyListItem extends Component.extend({
  tagName: 'li',
  classNameBindings: ['itemClass']
}) {
  itemClass = 'this-be-a-list';

  // etc.

This is also how you’ll use mixins (on defining them, see below):

import Component from '@ember/component';
import MyMixin from 'my-app/mixins/my-mixin';

export default class AnExample extends Component.extend(MyMixin) {
  // the rest of the definition.

Note, however—and this is very important—that you cannot .extend an existing class implementation. As a result, deep inheritance hierarchies may make transitioning to classes in Ember painful. Most importantly: they may work some of the time in some ways, but will break when you least expect. So don’t do that! (This isn’t a TypeScript limitation; it’s a limitation of classes in Ember today.)3

Variant 2: Mixins

The other time you’ll have to take a different tack—and this falls directly out of the need for prototypal merging—is with Mixins, which don’t yet work properly with classes. Worse, it’s difficult (if not impossible) to get rigorous type-checking internally in Mixin definitions, because you cannot define them as classes: you have to use the old style throughout, because mixins are created with .create(), not .extend().

I’ll have a lot more to say about these in part 5 of this series, including a detailed example of how to carefully type-annotate one and use it in another class. For now, suffice it to say that you’ll still need to incorporate Mixins via .extend():

import Component from '@ember/component';
import MyMixin from 'my-app/mixins/my-mixin';

export default class SomeNewComponent extends Component.extend(MyMixin) {
  // normal class properties


Those are the biggest differences from Ember.Object that you need to be aware of when working with class properties in Ember.js today, at least in my experience working with them day to day. These are not the only differences with classes, though, especially when dealing with TypeScript, so in my next entry we’ll take a look at how classes work (and work well!) with most things in Ember.js and TypeScript together.

  1. You can use this same feature on classes using Babel, with the class properties transform.

  2. Even when Ember.js RFC #281 lands, this problem will not go away, at least under the current implementation, since these will not be transformed into getters on the prototype. We are waiting for decorators to solve this problem completely.

  3. In the future, we’ll (hopefully and presumably 🤞🏼) have an escape hatch for those merged or prototypally-set properties via decorators. That’ll look something like this:

    import Component from '@ember/component';
    import { className, tagName } from 'ember-decorators/component';
    export default class MyListItem extends Component {
      @className itemClass = 'this-be-a-list';
      sendAMessage(contents: string): void {
      // etc.